
First Name


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Lives and works in Peekskill, NY, U.S.

I faced many significant challenges from my time growing up as a kid to adult. I was stricken with high functioning autism, which often made those around me treat me with difference, as if I wasn’t capable of doing anything a normal human being could do. On top of that, many health issues from seizures, anxiety, and other medical conditions made it difficult for me to fully embrace what was going on in the outside world. But around that time in middle school I started to spend a lot of my spare time doing drawings and cut outs of characters I like in pop culture. Little did I know this would stem into a path of creativity I was on continuing all through high school and college, learning to become an artist. By now, I have come very far to not let any ailments I have back me down from the path I’m on. I successfully graduated college and grad school with degrees in visual arts. Now I go back in the outside world, as G Imaginations, with hope establishing my visual language with art and others.


Vive e trabalha em Peekskill, NY, E.U.A

Enfrentei muitos desafios significativos desde o meu tempo de criança até a idade adulta. Eu sofria de autismo de alto funcionamento, o que muitas vezes fazia com que as pessoas ao meu redor me tratassem diferente, como se eu não fosse capaz de fazer nada que um ser humano normal pudesse fazer. Além disso, muitos problemas de saúde causados ​​por convulsões, ansiedade e outras condições médicas tornaram difícil para mim aceitar totalmente o que estava acontecendo no mundo. Mas nessa época no ensino médio comecei a passar muito do meu tempo livre fazendo desenhos e recortes de personagens que gosto na cultura pop. Mal sabia eu que isso resultaria em um caminho de criatividade que eu continuei durante todo o ensino médio e faculdade aprendendo para me tornar um artista. A essa altura, já cheguei muito longe para não deixar que nenhuma doença que tenha me afaste do caminho em que estou. Eu me formei com sucesso na faculdade e pós-graduação em artes visuais. Agora volto para o mundo como G Imaginations, com esperança de estabelecer minha linguagem visual com a arte e outros.


Country of residence

United States (US)



My most recent and inspired work excavates psychological components of expression – a dance between the nostalgia of memory and the influence of pop culture. My practice has evolved through the use of a variety of materials to include drawing, painting, photography, performance, sculpture, film and fashion. Through the use of marrying and tearing apart these mediums, I create an emotional resonation with the public, linking fictional stories with deep autobiographical narratives from my subconscious. This gives permission to different memories – real and fantasy – to perform staged interventions with one another, communicating my sense of alienationfrom the world as an ‘outsider,’ shunned and muted by society.


Meu trabalho mais recente e inspirado escava componentes psicológicos da expressão – uma dança entre a nostalgia da memória e a influência da cultura pop. Minha prática evoluiu através do uso de uma variedade de materiais para incluir desenho, pintura, fotografia, performance, escultura, cinema e moda. Através do uso de casar e separar esses meios, crio uma ressonância emocional com o público, ligando histórias ficcionais com narrativas autobiográficas profundas do meu subconsciente. Isso dá permissão a diferentes memórias – reais e fantasiosas – para realizar intervenções encenadas umas com as outras, comunicando meu sentimento de alienação do mundo como um “estranho”, evitado e silenciado pela sociedade.




The Haus of Art – NYC, USA
A weekend at the Haus of Art | April

Virtual Exhibitions 2022

Capital Culture House – Madrid, Spain
Idyllic | April
Capital Culture House – Madrid, Spain (cash prize)
Mellifluous | March
Boomer Gallery – London, UK
Art for Real | March
The Holy Gallery – London, UK
Art Fusion | January – March Exhibizone – London, UK
Rebellion | March
Capital Culture House – Madrid, Spain
Ephemeral | January
The Holy Art Gallery – London, UK
Clash | January
The Holy Art Gallery – London, UK
Eternity | January

Education/ Exhibitions
S.U.N.Y. Purchase, MFA (Visual Arts); Purchase, NY
– Art Exhibit, Purchase College, 2nd year exhibit – Art Exhibit, Purchase College, 1st year exhibit – Art Exhibit, P.S. 122
S.U.N.Y. Purchase, BFA (Painting & Drawing); Purchase, NY
– Art Exhibit, Purchase College
– Art Exhibit, Hudson Valley Contemporary Center for the Arts – Art Exhibit, Peekskill Art Alliance Truck Stop Gallery
– Art Exhibit, Bean Runner’s Cafe
– Art Exhibit, STOOD @ SUNY Purchase
Westchester Community College; Valhalla, NY
Associates of Applied Science
– Alumni Art Exhibit, Westchester Community College
– Student Art Thesis Exhibit, Westchester Community College