
Welcome to Our Global Art Collective

Connect, collaborate and exchange unorthodox ideas with creatives from around the world.

UA ACCESS Membership

By artists, for artists.

The UA Access Membership is tailor-made for artists committed to intensifying their practice, embracing a vibrant community, and pursuing international visibility on our own terms.

We're all about talent, integrity, and unwavering values. Here, we wholeheartedly support each other to boost confidence and resilience.

And you can learn more about us at! 🙂

Your profile page is your artist page!

You can manage your profile and art gallery how you like it. To visitors, your profile page will be displayed as an artist page with only relevant information about you and your artwork.

Community Groups

Connect with other participants and our team to learn, keep updated and exchange ideas through messages. If you favor a more instant communication, you can join them on video or text group chats.

Advisory Meetings

Program a series of online 1:1 meetings and workshops with our selected team of advisors. Take full advantage of these art specialists to guide you with your research or project.

Exclusive Events

We have in-person and online events happening all year round. Group and solo exhibitions featuring our participants, open studios, and much more!

Curated Newsfeed

Always check the Newsfeed for updates about what’s happening on community, the groups you’re in and the art world. Our team posts events, news, and opportunities for all participants here.

Online Library

On-demand collection of multidisciplinary resources related to the art world. Dynamic in nature, it grows with time to include more and more videos of talks and presentations or documents to download. These are valuable resources that are always up-to-date, curated, and organized by our team.

and subscribe for free.

This is a private network for Uncool Artist participants and like-minded artists. If you’re not registered, you can sign up now or learn more about us at