Beatriz Chachamovits
First Name | Beatriz |
Last Name | Chachamovits |
Username | beatrizcha |
Bio | b. São Paulo, Brazil, lives and works in Florida, US Beatriz Chachamovits is an environmental artist and educator living and working in Miami, Florida. Her work renders tangible the decline of the coral reef ecosystems, and the role played by humans in it. Her intention is to share the majestic beauty of at-risk marine ecologies as well as the appalling rate of their destruction. She works with monochromatic ceramic sculptures and drawings to highlight the unique shape, form and texture that exists in the underwater world. She is the author and illustrator of the book The little handbook of marine fishes and other aquatic marvels (Pequeno manual de peixe marinhos e outras maravilhas aquáticas), published by Companhia das Letrinhas in São Paulo, Brazil in 2018. Selected solo show includes: “White Sea” at Galeria Tato in São Paulo, Brazil (2017) Into the Great Dying: Waters We Share” at Faena Art Project Room(2022) “Our Changing Seas” at the Frost Science Museum (2022). Selected group shows include: National Museum of Rio de Janeiro, “Coral Expedition: 1865 – 2018” (2018) The Phillip and Patricia Frost Science Museum “Transitional Nature”(2020)Art and Cultural Center of Hollywood “C[h]oral Stories and Collective Actions” (2022) Chachamovits’ work has recently been featured in Vogue Magazine’s Earth and Us section and in the National Geographic Education platform, part of an AAAS grant to teach fifth-graders about women in marine science. She has received a prize from The Village of Pinecrest grant for artists and is currently a resident artist at The Bakehouse Art Complex in Wynwood, Miami. -=≡=- Beatriz Chachamovits (São Paulo, 1986 vive e trabalha em Miami, Flórida) é artista ambiental e educadora focada na conscientização e preservação do ecossistema marinho. Recebeu seu bacharelado em Educação Artística pela FAAP – Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – em 2008. Seu trabalho torna tangível o declínio dos recifes de corais e o papel desempenhado pelo ser humano nele. Sua intenção é compartilhar a beleza majestosa e a situação de risco de ecologias marinhas, bem como a taxa assustadora de sua destruição. Através de sua obra, Chachamovits convida o publico a um “mergulho à seco” uma forma de mostrar um ecossistema velado, interno ao nosso planeta que muitas pessoas não tem acesso. Ela trabalha com esculturas de cerâmicas monocromáticas e desenhos de nanquim que destacam as formas e texturas únicas que existem no mundo subaquático, evidenciando fenômenos como branqueamento de corais, acidificação oceânica e a poluição marinha que estão devastando esse ecossistema. Com seu primeiro livro publicado pela Companhia das Letrinhas em 2018 – O Pequeno Manual de Peixes Marinhos e Outras Maravilhas Aquáticas – a artista traz para o mundo infantil um olhar científico, curioso e artístico para mostrar aos leitores o quão fantástico o fundo do mar é, na esperança de que eles se apaixonem por estes seres e suas historias. Com a finalidade de inspirar a nova geração a amar e cuidar do oceano. |
Website |
Statement | As an environmental artist, my work deals with the decline of the coral reef ecosystems. I make drawings, sculptures and installations that investigate and highlights the main causes of the state that coral reefs are found today. The phenomena known as coral bleaching, ocean acidification, and plastic pollution are the main starting points in discussing the human effects on ocean conservation. I invite the public to discover a complex biological network, where the concept of ecosystem is materialized through organization, symmetry, and repetition. My recent and interactive pieces (like, how to dry kill, to kill with water, and to replenish with water) deal with the ephemeral state of the work and its forever changing quality, much like the ocean itself. It creates a kinship with the creatures of the reef, a direct bodily experience to raise awareness and responsibility for this most powerful and endangered ecosystem. Like the reef itself, my work uses a number of underlying structures – interdependence, diversity, and scale – to organize collective empathy. My main interest is to study these phenomena to create dry dives, a way of showing a vailed ecosystem internal to our planet that most people don’t have access to. I am especially interested in endangered species and how to translate scientific-based studies into visual arts. My most recent activity on mitigating strategies for ocean conservancy is creating sculptures that function as artificial reefs so they can perform their crucial role in deflating the tourism on natural reefs, providing new structures for corals to attach and grow, generating nursing spaces and new homes for so many reef animals and in helping control sea-level rise in coral depleted areas. |
Exhibitions | Solo / Individuais: 2022 Our Changing seas – Frost Science Museum, Miami, FL Into the Great Dying: Waters We Share – Faena Art Project Room, Miami, FL 2021 Can you Sea Change? – Soho Beach House, Miami, FL 2020 Ocean in Transformation – Parque Ibirapuera, São Paulo, SP The oceans within – Coral Contemporary Gallery, Miami, FL 2018 Infertile gardens – SESC Santana Cultural Institution, São Paulo, SP 2017 White sea – Galeria Tato, São Paulo, SP Siphonophore: the fantastic under the sea encyclopedia – Galeria Oscar Cruz , São Paulo, SP Selected group / Coletivas: 2022 C[h]oral stories and collective actions – Art and Cultural Center of Hollywood, Hollywood, FL Florida room No.1 – KDR305 gallery, Miami, FL Parrots in the kiln – Design District, Miami, FL 2021 Collabo7 – Seven Seas Motel at Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL Just Breathe… – Mana Contemporary Art Space, Miami. FL Zine Machine – Locust projects, MoCA NOMI, Sweat Records, The Anderson and Books and Books, Miami, FL Imaginary Reality, Artificial Landscaping – Laundromat Art Space, Miami, FL Landed – Apollo Design District, Miami FL Nature Reformed: Six Perspectives in Contemporary Ceramics – Arts Warehouse, Delray Beach, FL Art at the farm – Aloha Redlands, Homestead, FL 2020 A Subtropical Affair II- Center for Subtropical Affairs, Miami, FL A Subtropical Affair I – Low res space – Wynwood, Miami, FL Symbiote – CAMP Gallery Miami, FL Transitional Nature – The Phillip and Patricia Frost Art Museum, Miami, FL 2019 Open Lobby connection – Casa Cor Miami, Miami, FL Florida Wild – Mckenzie, Miami, FL Archeology of Memory: The site and sound of ceramics – Bakehouse Art Complex, Miami, FL To Replenish With Water – UMA (Underwater Museum of Art), Santa Rosa Beach, Fl 2018 Praisel Basel – Art Basel Miami, Wynwood, FL The Future os the oceans seminar – Advanced Studies Institute USP, São Paulo, SP OpenLab – Bhering Factory, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Coral expedition: 1865-2018 – Nacional Museum, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 2017 Blasfêmeas apresenta FALHAS PARA O FUTURO, SAO ateliê, São Paulo, SP (eu) Transmeio – Galeria Temporária, São Paulo, SP Redscream – Salão dos Arcos, São Paulo, SP Abre Alas 13 – A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Projeto Fissura ocupação artística – soon to be demolished house, Jardins, SP CORPOrAÇÃO ocupação artística- comercial building, Consolação, São Paulo, SP Contos e Ensaios – Galeria Tato, São Paulo, SP Visite decorado ocupação artística – historic house from 1930s, Higienípolis, São Paulo, SP In(LAR) ocupação artística – deactivated medical clinic, Vila Mariana, São Paulo, SP 2015 I Scream ocupação artística- old gloves factory, Glicério, São Paulo, SP Adjust – Adjust Gallery, Miami, FL 2014 Surprise – Ateliê 397, São Paulo, SP Dizer Fazer – ateliê Goldfarb, São Paulo, SP 41 Salão da Primavera – Museu de Arte Moderna, Resende, RJ XXXI Salão de Artes Plásticas de Rio Claro – Rio Claro, SP 2012 Preciso: entre navegar e viver MUV Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, RJ ARTEAGORA – Galeria Rabieh, São Paulo, SP 2011 “Sem título #1 – Experiências de Pós-morte” – Galeria Oscar Cruz, São Paulo,SP 2010 Mostra Revista Amarello ano II, São Paulo, SP |