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Clarice Sanvicente is an artist originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil but currently lives and works in Brooklyn, NY. Her background is an advertising and photography and her work is greatly influenced by photography, both in the framing and freezing.  She uses photography as an instrument to capture an image that’s faithful to its space and time.  At the same time, the use of black and white creates a distance from reality, creating ambiguity with the imaginary and nostalgic aspect of the object.

“Her paintings are about time. A time based on reality and every day life, but evokes nostalgy. As if she were painting the memory of things. Her early sculptural paintings present and represent objects that have been forgotten. Fragments of a place , a house, an empty space. They’re visual simulations. They emanate a silent temporality.” (excerpt by Jurandy Valenca) 

Country of residence

United States (US)



XII Salão Interno ABRA de Artes Plásticas – june 1999

Curators: Ricardo Trevisan, Sandra Cinto, Stela Maris Sanmartin

25o Salão de Arte de Ribeirão Preto Nacional Contemporâneo – june 2000

Curators: Aracy Amaral, Lorenzo Mammi, Rejane Cintrão

IV Mostra do Programa de Exposi̵̤es 2001- Centro Cultural Ṣo Paulo Рnovember 2001

Curators: Renata Lucas, José de Moura Resende Filho, Marco Garaude Gianotti, Rejane Cintrão, Miriam Edith Bolsoni

XIV Salão de Artes Plásticas de Praia Grande – july 2002.

Curators: Celso Fioravante, Elias Muradi, Ricardo Trevisan

Políticas Pessoais – Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Americana november 2001

Curator: Jurandy Valença

Bienal Extra – march 2002

Curators: Isabella Prata e Sandra Bigheti

Indoors Outdoors – Regina Pinho de Almeida Escritório de Arte – October 2003

Curator: Regina Pinho de Almeida

Mostra do N̼cleo de Arte Contempor̢nea da ABRA Рnovember 2003

Curators: Elias Muradi, Gisela Benati, Mila Thiele Lucia de Souza Dantas, Rubens Pontes

Diminutos – ABRA – December 2003

Curators: Elias Muradi, Gisela Benati, Mila Thiele Lucia de Souza Dantas, Rubens Pontes

Corpo em Substrato – ABRA – october 2006

Curators: Elias Muradi, Gisela Benati, Mila Thiele Lucia de Souza Dantas, Rubens Pontes

Dist̢ncias РCentro Cultural Blue Life Рjuly 2006

Curator: Lilian Heitor

Baseado em Fatos Reais РGaleria Emma Thomas -Ṣo Paulo Рjuly 2007

Curator: Luciana Nemes