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Mark Sajatovich is an artist, historian, and educator whose creative journey is guided by a profound belief in the enduring role of art in our tumultuous world. In his eyes, art is a powerful reminder that contemplation and communication remain the cornerstones upon which a brighter future can be built amid chaos.

At the heart of Sajatovich’s artistic philosophy lies a deep appreciation for abstract art’s unique capacity to challenge, provoke, and inspire. He views abstract art as a conduit for self-exploration. This dynamic mirror encourages viewers to delve into their beliefs and forge a deeper connection with the world around them.

Sajatovich’s creative process is a deliberate and contemplative one. His studio walls are adorned with canvases, each a testament to his unwavering commitment to his craft. It is not unusual for these works to hang for days, even weeks, awaiting the moment their meanings crystallize, allowing them to be completed. In Sajatovich’s view, art is an act of faith, a profound journey of self-discovery guided by the brush and the canvas. As the iconic artist de Kooning once aptly said, “What you do when you paint, you take a brush full of paint, get paint on the picture, and you have faith.”

Sajatovich’s journey through art has been marked by a lifelong dedication to its study, culminating in a vibrant career that seamlessly blends art, history, and education. His foray into the museum world saw him designing digital marketing campaigns, crafting advertisements, and serving as an art director for museum marketing initiatives. However, a rediscovery of the rich tapestry of Canadian folk and Indigenous art led him back to the tactile world of acrylic and canvas.

The challenges and uncertainties of the pandemic years provided fertile ground for new artistic exploration. As emerging artists and online art galleries thrived, Sajatovich embraced the opportunity to rekindle his creative flame. By 2022, he had amassed a substantial body of new work, eager to share his creations with fresh eyes and international perspectives that might expand the horizons of his artistry.

In 2023, the artistic world began to take notice as Sajatovich’s abstract works garnered recognition from esteemed juries in numerous international online competitions. Today, he actively participates in several virtual online exhibitions, sharing his unique perspective with global audiences. His art has found its place in recent art magazines and catalogues, a testament to the enduring power of creativity, even in the face of adversity.

Mark Sajatovich’s artistic odyssey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative potential of art. His creations beckon us to join him on a profound journey of self-exploration, a quest to discover meaning, and a celebration of art’s boundless possibilities to all who dare to embrace it.


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