
First Name


Last Name





Tiago Aguiar was born in Serro (MG) and spends the year between a photographic studio in Belo Horizonte and construction work in the USA. He researches ritual performative action as a process of afecting  himself and others, using laborial work as a language and structure.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from the Guignard School in Belo Horizonte (MG), and a specialization in photography from the Hallmark Institute of Photography, Turner Falls (MA, USA). He is the president of the NGO Movimento Áurea, which carries out art and culture activities in the city of Serro.

 He held a solo exhibition, “Rusá”, at CameraSete (Belo Horizonte) and was a finalist in the Pierre Verger National Photography Awards. He researched the Rosário Festival in Serro between 2010 and 2020, having carried out a project entitled Retrato Cultura e Identidade (Portrait of Culture and Identity) with funding from the Minas Gerais State Culture Fund.



Country of residence




My body serves as tool for ritual – whether I’m stacking bricks or mending a roadside shrine, or making portraits, the acts themselves are spells aimed at transformation. My performative pieces aim to affect me and anyone who comes into contact with them. My work is situated at the intersection of ritual, labor, and the creation of affection. My experience as a Congadeiro, Catopê of Our Lady of the Rosary in Serro, MG, has infused my artistic expression with a profound sense of ritual. The rhythms of ritual learned in Congado meet the repetitive physicality of construction. This blending is at the heart of how I make art.

The Congado tradition taught me the power of ritual to imbue the mundane with a sense of the sacred, while also recognizing the divinity in our everyday struggles. My art extends this philosophy – the act of stacking bricks or mending a memorial becomes a way to elevate and challenge our understanding of the world around us. Through repetition, I explore the meditative power of labor and its capacity to generate both physical and spiritual change. Whether an act is perceived as profane or sacred depends on the intention projected upon it. I hope these rituals serve as a reminder that the boundaries between these states are fluid, accessible to us through conscious transformation.

Perhaps this work doesn’t provide easy answers but rather dislodges questions. What do we honor? What have we built? Through these rituals, I invite viewers to contemplate their own power to transform both themselves and the world around them.




Artist in the group exhibition “O CORPO INVISÍVEL DA MEMÓRIA”
Venue: Museu da Inconfidência – Ouro Preto, MG August 2023


Action Queima de Monumento contemplated in the Aldir Blanc Grant 2021
Location: São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras, Serro, MG March 2021


Artist and Coordinator of the Retrato Cultura e Identidade project. Awarded by the Minas Gerais State Culture Fund.
Location: Serro, MG, Brazil
July 2019 to July 2021


Solo exhibition Rusá
Venue: CâmeraSete – The House of Photography in Minas Gerais
Approved by the Clóvis Salgado Foundation’s Call for Entries to Occupy its Galleries April 23 to August 26, 2017


Solo exhibition Rusá
Venue: Theater Foyer – PUC São Gabriel
Part of the IX Week of Science, Art and Politics September 4-6, 2017

Artist in the group exhibition “Outras Pautas,Outros Imagos.”
Location: Guignard School Gallery – Belo Horizonte, MG August 2019

Winner of PBH’s Gentileza Grant
Installation of 14 lick panels on the pilasters of the East Viaduct, Lagoinha neighborhood.
October 18, 2018


Artist in the group exhibition “Alma do Rosário”
Venue: Teatro Santa Izabel – Diamantina, MG October 2018


Finalist in the “Pierre Verger National Photography Award 2016/2017 ”
Venue: Sala Mário Cravo Jr. – Palacete das Artes – Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
September 19 to November 12, 2017


Photographer in Action to Raise Hills by the Xepa Collective with Luiz Arnaldo Location: FUNART MG Galpão 05 July 15 to August 31, 2017

Interests and medias


Filmmaking / Video art, Interactive art, Mixed media, Photography, Printmaking, Sound art, Street art

Filmmaking / video art medias

Video installation

Printmaking medias

Photographic printing

Sound intermedias

Sound installation


Digital image, Photographic film