
First Name


Last Name





Ana Calzavara is a Brazilian artist based in the City of São Paulo. She has a Post Graduation in Painting from The Byam Shaw School of Art (London) and a PhD in Art from The University of São Paulo. She has been showing in solo and group exhibitions at prominent institutions in Brazil such as The Cultural Center of São Paulo, Museum of Image and Sound, Moreira Salles Institute, House of Latin America , Social Service of Commerce and University Center of Maria Antonia, among others. She worked as an assistant curator at The Museum of São Paulo, one of the most important museums in Latin America. Ana participated extensively in international projects and shows such as The International Contemporary Printed Art Exhibition and Symposium (an itinerary exhibition through Japan, China, Switzerland, Poland and Australia), The Arte Laguna at Arsenale (Venice), The International Contemporary Biennial of Trois-Rivière, (Canada), Print Week at Pratt Institute (NY) and The National Printing Exhibition ( London). Her works are permanently displayed in collections at Douro Museum (Portugal) and at Contemporary Art Museum of Rio Grande do Sul and of Paraná, Brazil.
The University of São Paulo Press published a book about Ana’s 20-year career in 2017.

She speaks English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.


Country of residence




Solo exhibitions

2023               Quiçaça. Múltiplo Espaço Arte. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2022              Além do Horizonte. Galeria Marília Razuk. São Paulo, Brazil.
Perguntar não amansa o coração. Galeria Oá. Vitória, ES, Brazil.
2020              Lusco-Fusco (virtual exhibition). Gallery Millan. São Paulo, Brazil.
2018              Teima. Ana Calzavara e Marina Zilberstjn. House of Latin America. Brasíia, DF.
2017              Um passo a mais e se desfaz. Gallery Virgílio. São Paulo, Brazil.
2014              Pequenos erros sem importância. Galeria Gravura Brasileir. São Paulo / SP, Brazil.
2012              O vento sopra onde quer – photographs and printings. Galeria Gravura Brasileira, São Paulo, Brazil.
2009              Distâncias – Galeria Gravura Brasileira. São Paulo, Brazil.
Across – Paintings. AAMAM , São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
2006              Frestas – paintings – Centro Cultural Casa de Dona Yayá, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Frestas – photographs. Museu da Imagem e do Som (MIS), São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

Urban Visions – Photographs. Galeria da Livraria Cultura, Brasília, DF.

2001              Fotografias, Ana Calzavara – Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.


Group exhibitions (selection)

​2023               Um teto todo seu. Galeria Marília Razuk. São Paulo, Brazil.

Art-RIO. Marina da Glória. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

SP-Arte. Pavilhão da Bienal de SP. Galeria Marília Razuk. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

2022              Each Sight, One Thought. Múltiplo Espaço Arte. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Art-RIO. Marina da Glória. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Detalhes. Múltiplo Espaço Arte. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Passagens. Salão de Arte Contemporânea Luiz Sacilotto. Curated by Reinaldo Botelho. Praça IV Centenário, S/N – Centro – Santo André, SP.
SP-Arte – Rotas Brasileiras. ARCA. São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
SP-Arte. Pavilhão da Bienal de SP. Galeria Marília Razuk. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
2021              Empty Night. SP 365 (viewing room). SP-Arte partnership with the Preview platform. Curated by Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro.
Arte Rio. Marina da Glória.
SP-Arte. Galpão.
Otraferiadearte (viewing room). Mexico/Peru/Chile/São Paulo/Miami.
2020              Proximidades desiguais. Pavão Cultural. Campinas, SP, Brazil.
Utopias e distopias atmosféricas. (viewing room). Uncool Project
SP-ARTE (viewing room). São Paulo, Brazil.
O real resiste – Urban intervention. 30 artists/120 posters spread over the walls of RJ. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Restless Printing. Centro Cultural Maria Antônia. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Uneven surroundings. Centro Cultural Pavão. Campinas, Sp, Brazil.
2019              As solid as fog. Lazy Susan Gallery. New York City, USA.
Hues. Bird, Willimsburg. New york City, USA.
Invisible Art. Galeria Oswald de Andrade, SP, Brazil.
Xilo: Corpo e Paisagem. SESC Guarulhos. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Four artists from SP. IMS Poços de Caldas, MG, Brazil.
Arte Londrina 7. Londrina, PR. Brazil.
In suspension. Galeria Virgílio, São Paulo.SP, Brazil.
2018              To be, to dwell and to imagine. Concrete Space. Miami. Curator Adriana Herrera.
Zureta. International Contemporary Printed Art Exhibition and Symposium. Bratislava  Zurique (Suiça). Worclaw (Polônia). Melbourne (Austrália).
Baixa; Ana Calzavara, Celina Yamauchi, Márcia Cymbalista e Marco Buti. Galeria Virgílio. SP, Brazil.
2017              Zureta. International Contemporary Printed Art Exhibition and Symposium. Universidade de Tóquio. Japão. Xangai, China.
The repetition of what is impermanent. University of Londrina. Brazil.
Portfolio #4. MAIS Galeria. SP, Brazil.
Being is the mirror of being. Casa de Tijolo. SP, Brazil.
2016             8th Douro Biennial – Portugal.
Br 2016. Galeria Virgílio, SP, Brazil.
Arte Londrina 4 – Londrina/PR. Brazil.
2015             40th SARP Contemporary Art Exhibition of Ribeirão Preto / SP. Brazil.
2nd Global Print. Douro. Portugal.
37 48 “S: Artists navigate Melbourne. Brazilian Engraving. SP. Brazil.
8th Prize Art Laguna – Painting – Venice Arsenal, Venice, Italy.
2014             65th Salão de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
VIII Premio Arte Laguna . Venice, Italy.
Buy the Book. Central Booking Art Gallery. NY, EUA.
45th Art Chapel Show. São Paulo / SP, Brazil.
PARTE. Contemporary Art Fair. São Paulo / SP, Brazil.
III Open Doors. AJA. São Paulo / SP, Brazil.
2013             8th Biennale internationale d’estampe contemporaine de Trois-Rivière, Canadá.
SP Estampa. Brazilian Gravure Gallery. São Paulo / SP, Brazil.
SP Estampa. Ateliê A Pipa. São Paulo/ SP, Brazil.
2012             7th International Triennial of Graphic Work of Bitola. Macedônia.
Coletiva/Coletivos – Mostra de Gravuras. Espaço Cultural Casa das Onze Janelas, Ateliê do Porto e Galeria Theodoro Braga. Belém,PA.
Caixa Umburana e Circulação Gráfica. Galeria Parangolé. Espaço Cultural Renato Russo. Brasília.DF. Brazil.
Passato Immediato – influências.ascendência. presença italiana na arte brasileira. Galeria Marta Traba. Memorial da América Latina, SP, Brazil.
Pares Ímpares. Galeria Eto Coelho. Bauru/SP.
Diálogos – exposição de estampas. Galeria Gravura Brasileira. São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
Feira de Arte Parte. São Paulo, Paço das Artes. SP, Brazil.
43 Art Chapel Show. São Paulo,SP, Brazil.
2011             I International Biennial  of Printing of Santos, SP, Brazil.
5ª Latin American Biennial “Olho Latino”. Atibaia, SP, Brazil.
Print SP Art Fair. Brazilian Print Art Gallery. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
SP Art Fair –  Biennial Pavilion, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Graphic Circulation Project.  Brazilian Print Art Gallery. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Grabados de Brasil – Ana Calzavara, Claudio Caropreso, Gilberto Tomé y Ulysses Bôscolo. Galeria Original Múltipla, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I Encuentro Nacional de Grabadores  de Santa Rosa.  Santa Rosa da La Pampa, Patagônia, Argentina.
Latino  Impresa 2011.  Munt – domus grafik.  Tucumán, Argentina.
Parte Art Fair. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
2010             SP Art Fair –  Biennial Pavilion, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Caminos del Grabado – Brasil, Francia e Venezuela. French Embassy, Caracas, Venezuela.
Gardens and Delight – small formats in the Mezanino Art Gallery,Collection. São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
Impressions – French and Brazilian printers. Ophicial Exhibition of the French Year in Brazil.
Brazilian Print Art Gallery, São Paulo,SP, Brazil.
Graphias. Marta Traba Gallery, Memorial of Latin Amercia. São Paulo, SP.
Connexions>Conexões. Graphic Production of French and Brazilian artists. Lambe-Lambe Project. SESC Pompéia, São Paulo,SP, Brazil.
Images – visions of memory.  MuNA. University of Uberlância, MG, Brazil.
2008            Made in Brazil – small prints and drawings. Goloborotkos’studio. Nova York, EUA.
PRINTED  (2008 Print Week of New York). Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, Nova York, EUA.
33° SARP – Ribeirão Preto Contemporary Art Salon; R.Preto, SP, Brazil.
Photography Month. MARP – Ribeirão Preto Art Museum, SP, Brazil.
Acervo Vivo – Santo André Contemporary Art Salon.  Luiz Sacillotto; Paço Municipal de Santo André, SP, Brazil.
12 X 14’s  Project – Espaço Cris Rocha + Kika Levy Atelier, SP, Brazil.
Kubiko –  Paço Municipal de Santo André, SP, Brazil.
Kubiko – Festival de Inverno de Paranapiacaba, SP, Brazil.
2007            Ut pidura diversitas . Marta Traba Gallery, Memorial of Latin Amercia. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
32° SARP Ribeirão Preto Contemporary Art Salon; R.Preto, SP, Brazil.
Espaço Cultural Alphaville; São Paulo/SP, Brazil.
2006            L’art roman vu du Brésil –  Anzy-le-Duc,  Bourgogne, France.
Mário Gruber e a metafísica dos planos. Marta Traba Gallery, Memorial of Latin Amercia. São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
2005            Great Line– SESC Pompéia, São Paulo/SP.
Mostra “FOME ZERO – BIOFACH”, Nürberg, Germany.
17° Salão de Artes Plásticas de Praia Grande, Praia Grande, SP.
Lambe-Lambe Project –  III Print Biennial of  Santo André, Santo André, SP, Brazil.
2004            “Young Talents” – Art Chapel Show / Wesley Duke Lee; SP.
Artists collective – Ateliê Espaço Coringa, São Paulo/SP.
5° Salão de Arte do Sesc do Amapá- Amapá/AP.
16° Salão de Artes Plásticas de Praia Grande, Praia Grande/SP.
La Collecte Project – Konschthaus ‘BEIM ENGEL’, Luxembourg.
En Tangsogade 4 Udstilling, Denmark.
Galeria Gravura Brasileira; São Paulo, Brazil.
2003            “Lambe-Lambe” Project – mural-prints all over the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
La Collecte Project – Atelier Presse Papier, Trois-Rivière, Canada.
2002            Ação na Pagú- Santo/SP, Brazil. Photographs.
Salão de Artes Visuais de Vinhedo/ SP, Brazil. Paintings.
26° Salão de Artes Plásticas do Paraná, Brazil. Photographs.
2001            Três Olhares sobre a Gravura – Centro de Convivência, Campinas/ SP, Brazil.
2000            Plough Art Centre, Canterbury University College, UK.
1999            Mostra Rio Gravura, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
27° Santo André Contemporary Art Salon, St. André, SP, Brazil.
1998            National Printing Exhibition  – The Mall Galleries, London.
Gone – Concourse Gallery, London.
Formations – Lauderdale House, London.
Post Graduate Final Show – Byam Shaw School of Art, London.
1997            International Printing Triennial of Cracóvia, Intergrafia 97, Polônia.
Gravuras do Piratininga / IEA –  Universidade de Lodz, Universidade Católica de Lublin, Universidade de Varsóvia Polônia.
1996            Panorama das Artes Visuais – Galeria João do Monte, Valinhos/ SP.
53º Salão de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
XXI SARP Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, SP.
1993            Impressions – Instituto de Artes, Universidade de Campinas, SP.



Interests and medias


Painting, Photography, Printmaking

Painting medias

Encaustic, Oil

Printmaking medias

Monotype, Photographic printing, Screen-printing, Woodblock printing


Digital image