
First Name


Last Name





b. in Welver, Germany. Lives and works in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Born in Welver, Germany, Isolde Kille holds a master’s degree in visual communication from the University of Arts in Berlin, Germany. In Berlin, Kille was involved in several independent art initiatives, which brought her into dialogue with the international art community. Feeling more creatively liberated in the United States, in 1998, Kille made New York City her home and embarked on a productive period. Her work has been shown domestically and internationally at venues such as Kunstwerke and Kunsthaus Bethanien in Berlin, Germany; John Gibson Gallery, John Weber Gallery; Lital Mehr Gallery, Chelsea, New York, NY; Bass Museum, Miami Beach, Florida, among others.

In 2009 the artist moved to a Zen center, living in the Buddhist community for thirteen months. During this incredibly focused time of self-reflection and meditation, the artist was “free of the pressure of the market” and, at the same time, continued her interest about time, space, and existence, and healing. Kille’s self-isolation from the art market was a fruitful and inspiring experience. For the last decade, the artist has been creating on the land in the desert of rural New Mexico as well as Joshua Tree, California, while she continued to exhibit in New York, LA, USA, and Berlin, Germany. In her solo exhibition, Utopia X-posed at The High Line in Chelsea, New York the artist created a fictional and experimental reality. The interwoven elements of video and painting, fragments of Nature and Abstractions, draw on a non-linear concept to re-create a Fantastic Landscape in Space.

In 2020, she founded the art space where she curates local events and online exhibitions emphasizing her interest in Climate Crisis.


n. em Welver, Alemanha. Vive e trabalha em Santa Fe, Novo México.

Isolde Kille é mestre em comunicação visual pela Universidade de Artes de Berlim, Alemanha. Em Berlim, esteve envolvida em várias iniciativas artísticas independentes que a colocaram em diálogo com a comunidade artística internacional. Sentindo-se mais criativamente liberada nos Estados Unidos, em 1998 Kille fez de Nova York sua casa e embarcou em um período produtivo. Seu trabalho foi exibido nacional e internacionalmente em locais como: Kunstwerke e Kunsthaus Bethanien em Berlim, Alemanha; Galeria John Gibson, Galeria John Weber; Galeria Lital Mehr, Chelsea, Nova York, NY; Bass Museum, Miami Beach, Flórida, entre outros.

Em 2009 a artista mudou-se para um centro zen, morando na comunidade budista por treze meses. Durante esse tempo incrivelmente focada de autorreflexão e meditação, ela esteve “livre da pressão do mercado” e, ao mesmo tempo, continuava seu interesse pelo tempo, espaço, existência e cura. O auto-isolamento de Kille do mercado de arte foi uma experiência frutífera e inspiradora. Na última década, Kille criou em terras no deserto rural do Novo México, bem como em Joshua Tree, Califórnia, enquanto continuava a expor em Nova York, LA, EUA e Berlim, Alemanha. Em sua exposição individual Utopia X posou no The High Line em Chelsea, Nova York, a artista criando uma realidade ficcional e experimental. Os elementos entrelaçados de vídeo e pintura, fragmentos de Natureza e Abstrações, recorrem a um conceito não linear para recriar uma Paisagem Fantástica no Espaço.

Em 2020, fundou o espaço de arte, onde é curadora de eventos locais e exposições on-line, enfatizando seu interesse pela crise climática.



Country of residence

United States (US)



Isolde Kille is a multidisciplinary artist working primarily in painting, sculpture, and video. Integrating conceptual depth with poetic sensibility and innovative processes, Kille examines the transition between analog and digital realities.

“I like to invent the materials. I think it is a part of my job to invent new techniques—the right technique for everything,” she explains. “I prefer to work outside often, including weather and elements such as fire, earth, wind, and water in my processes.”

In her installations, Kille often presents unexpected juxtapositions of forms, materials, and ideas that suggest new associations and narratives. Moving away from a linear viewing of singular art objects, she hopes to revolutionize the interplay of concealment and exposure, action and reaction, in- and outside the gallery space. Art is no longer an object; art is an event in time and space.

Her focus is to describe an awareness between the existing conditions and a fictional environment where she invites the viewer to dream of a reality beyond our current existence.
Isolde Kille é uma artista multidisciplinar que trabalha principalmente em pintura, escultura e vídeo. Integrando profundidade conceitual com sensibilidade poética e processos inovadores Kille examina a transição entre as realidades analógica e digital.

“Gosto de inventar os materiais. Acho que faz parte do meu trabalho inventar novas técnicas — a técnica certa para tudo.” Ela explica. “Prefiro trabalhar fora com frequência, incluindo clima e elementos como fogo, terra, vento e água em meus processos.”

Em suas instalações, Kille frequentemente apresenta justaposições inesperadas de formas, materiais e ideias que sugerem novas associações e narrativas. Afastando-se de uma visão linear de objetos de arte singulares, ela espera revolucionar a interação de ocultação e exposição, ação e reação, dentro e fora do espaço da galeria. A arte não é mais um objeto, a arte é um evento no tempo e no espaço.

Seu foco é descrever uma consciência entre as condições existentes e um ambiente ficcional onde ela convida o espectador a sonhar uma realidade além da nossa existência atual.




Solo Exhibitions / Exposições individuais
2021 Reflection, Vital Spaces, Santa Fe, NM, USA
2018 Utopia, X-Posed, Living exhibit on the High Line Park, 19th Street, Chelsea, NY, USA
2007 Der Gegensatz, Lital Mehr Gallery, Chelsea, NY, USA.
2006 Objects in mirror are closer than they appear, Richard Sena Gallery, Hudson, NY, USA
2003 Painting – Photography – Installation, Tribes Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2000 Isolde Kille, Radio House Gallery, W 26th Street, New York, NY, USA

Group Exhibitions / Exposições coletivas

2024, NDSM Fuse, Aqua Ardens Fire & Water, ecology related art, Amsterdam, The Netherlands                                                                             2023, Losdok, group expo about ecology related art, Amsterdam, The Netherlands                                                     2023 Three Constellations, Do-Art Space, Brooklyn, NY
2023 “Sojourner”, curated by Kyoko Sato, Sojourner Gallery, 446 W 34th Street, New York, NY.       2022 Habitat – Nonstop, curated by Karin Balog, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2022 “Verschwinden”, Octagon, HFBK Dresden, Germany
2022 “Off The Cloth”, curated by J.Puntes and K. Cordero Reiman, 9 Avenue B, New York, NY
2022 “Wasteland”, curated by Dominic Paul Miller, 65300 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA
2021/22 Perfect Day, curated by Raul Zamudio and Juan Puntes
Organized with Kyoko Sato, WhiteBox Annex @ ChaShaMa Space for Artists, New York, NY
2021 The Sun, Light from Space Film festival, curated by Nolan Barry, Chicago, USA
2021 Mixing Identities, Timespecific at London International Art Fair, London, UK
2020 Masks, Mirages, and The Morphic Mirror, London Biennale directed by David Medalla
2020 Netgain, Central Booking Art Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2020 Female Art curated by Lucy Lippard, Axle Art, Santa Fe, NM, USA
2019 Wish You Were Here 19, A.I.R Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2019 Atlantis, GlogauAIR Project, Glogauerstrasse, Berlin, Germany
2019 Open Studio, GlogauAIR, Berlin, Germany
2019 Niemandsland, film screening, Berlinale short films, Berlin, Germany
2019 American Dream, curated by S. Windolph, Indianopolis, Indiana, USA
2018 1+1, Jobar Blueprint, Santa Fe, NM
2017 8 Layers @ 8000 feet, September 24, Emeline Park, Haverstraw, NY, USA
2017 Taking back Orange, curated by Jennifer Joseph, ART.i.Factory, Santa Fe, NM, USA
2017 Beauty is the Antidote, curated by Santa Fe Collective, Electric Studios, LA, CA, USA
2017 Multiple Feeds, Gallery 825, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2017 Make America, curated by Nancy L. Meyer from LAND, Gallery 825, LA, CA, USA
2017 The early years, Kreuzberg Pavillon, 10999 Berlin, Germany
2016 Electron Salon, LacDa, Los Angeles, CA, USA
2016 DaDa Centennial, Museum of Collage, Santa Fe, NM
2016 Spirit Animal, Santa Fe Collective, Santa Fe, NM
2015 Constellation NYC, The High Line, Chelsea, New York, USA
2015 Drawn to the Wall, Patina Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, USA
2015 Collectible Box Auction, Santa Fe Community Convention Center, Santa Fe, NM, USA
2014 Distant Observations, Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
2014 Nartificial, curated by Nicole Calderon, Studio 109, Brooklyn, NY, USA 2013 Undefined Abstract – undefined expression, OCAD University, Toronto, Canada
2013 Van Esch Collection, Gemeente Museum, Den Haag, Netherlands
2012 International Art Trade, N2NM Exchange, Farmers market, Santa Fe, NM, USA
2012 Videos from the Underground, Nothing Space, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2011 Von Show, curated by Emil Memon, Bleeker Street, New York, NY, USA 2011 Nurture Art at the Chelsea Art Museum, W 22nd Street, New York, NY, USA
2010 Painting with Pictures, curated by David Gibson, Casita Maria Center, Bronx, NY, USA
2010 Article Projects, curated by David Gibson, Pool Art Fair, W 24th Street, NY, NY, USA
2010 Fahrenheit 241, Bronx art space, curated by Mitsu Hadeishi, Bronx, NY, USA
2009 Me, Me, Me, Article projects, Pool Art Fair, New York, NY, USA
2009 Black Madonna, curated by Lisa Paul Streitfield, HP Garcia Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2008 Synthetic Zero, Bronx Art Space, Curated Mitsu Hadeishi, Bronx, NY, USA
2008 Papers in the wind, Real Form Projects, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2008 Mirror, mirror on the wall, Haven Arts Gallery, Bruckner Blvd. Bronx, NY, USA
2007 Year 07, Mehr Gallery, County Hall, London, UK
2007 Mehr (Mid-town), Lital Mehr Gallery; New York, NY, USA
2006 The closer you get, the further you move away, Pocketbook factory, Hudson, NY, USA
2006 four more years, Time and Space limited, Hudson, NY, USA
2006 The expectations are beyond what is achievable, Untitled Foundation, Hudson, NY, USA
2006 This is not an archive, Bard College, Annendale Hudson, NY, USA
2005 Summer show, Richard Sena Gallery, 238 Warren Street, Hudson, NY, USA
2005 Auk Dry Goods, curated by David Scher, Hamden, NY
2005 Artist of the Mohawk-Hudson Region, cur. by I. C. Karp, Albany Institute of History & Art, Albany, NY, USA
2004 ‘Manhattan Transfer’, curated by John Weber, Weber Fine Arts, Chatham, NY, USA
2004 Doll House, curated by Tatjana Doll, Orchard Street Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2003 Vibe, The Bass Museum of Art; Miami Beach, Florida, USA
2003 Repetition, Scope Art Fair, Dylan Hotel, E 41st.Street, NY, NY, USA
2002 The Thing, curated by Wolfgang Stähle, The Thing, W 26th Street, New York, NY, USA
2002 Recession, curated by Tim Thyzel, Cynthia Broan Gallery, W 14th Street, NY, NY, USA
2001 Clip 72, Nikolai Fine Arts, 505 W 22nd Street, New York, NY, USA
2001 Live, White Box, W 26th Street, New York, NY, USA
2000 Some (are) Painting, curated by David Gibson, John Gibson Gallery, NY, NY
1998 When Techno turns to Poetry, Kunstwerke (KW) Berlin, Germany
1997 Archive 1990/91, HdBK Dresden, Dresden, Germany
1996 Kleine Häuser, curated by Mechthild Bauer-Babel, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
1995 Gramercy international Art fair, Gramercy Hotel, New York, NY, USA
1994 Kopula, International Funk Ausstellung, Berlin, Germany
1994 Art fair Basel, presented by Bruno Brunnett, Contemporary fine arts, Basel, Switzerland
1993 Multiples, Lukas & Hoffmann, August Strasse, Berlin, Germany
1992 241, Unfair Cologne, Cologne, Germany
1992 241, Kunstwerke Berlin, Germany

Bibliography / Bibliografia
2022 Verschwinden, Artist Book (Edition of 2) Published by HFBK Dresden, Germany
2021 The Making Of The Unmaking, article by David Gibson at Gibson Contemporary, NY, NY
2021 Interview with Lucia Curzi at the London Line, London, UK
2021 Interview with Randee Silv from Arteidolia Press, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2020 Netgain Catalogue, published by Central Booking Art Gallery, New York, NY, USA
2019 GlogauAIR Berlin, open studio Catalogue
2019 Straight 8 X Berlinale Special: Artconnect, Berlin, Germany
2016 Into the woods, Barbed Magazine, Spring Issue, issue #4
2015 Drawn to the wall, the medium is the message, Art Santa Fe, The Magazine
2008 Black Madonna, catalog with images, HP Garcia Gallery
2005 Touching Infinity, Interview with Peter Barten, Hudson River magazine
2004 Weber Exhibition touts talents, by Richards Baim, The Independent
2003 Isolde Kille: Painting – video – installation, by Norman Douglas, Artnet
2003 War and Peace, by Tina la Porta, NY Arts Magazine
2001 Some (are) painting by Ken Johnson, Art in Review, New York Times
1996 Gespräch über das Eine, Artist book (edition of 100), Wiens Laden Berlin

Interests and medias


Collage, Drawing, Filmmaking / Video art, Glass, Illustration, Interactive art, Mixed media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Sound art, Street art, Textile art

Painting medias


Drawing medias


Filmmaking / video art medias

Video installation

Sculpture medias


Sound intermedias

Sound installation


Digital image