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b. Colorado, U.S. – lives and works in New York.

Danny Starr is a self-taught artist based in Brooklyn, NY. He first discovered his love for painting while gaining his graphic design degree from Fort Lewis College. Since then, he has studied in courses including the Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy and more recently with the Uncool Artist program.

He utilizes his knowledge in these various forms of art to create unique and inspiring pieces across all mediums. In 2015, he designed the campaign poster for I-301 to decriminalize mushrooms in Denver. He shows his paintings across the country and was a finalist at the 2019 ARC Salon.


n. Colorado, U.S. – vive e trabalha em New York.

Danny Starr é um artista autodidata baseado em Brooklyn, NY. Descobriu pela primeira vez o seu amor pela pintura enquanto se formarva como designer gráfico pelo Fort Lewis College. Desde então, tem estudado em cursos incluindo a Academia Angel de Arte em Florença, Itália e mais recentemente com o ILAP na  Uncool Artist.

Ele utiliza os seus conhecimentos nestas várias formas de arte para criar peças únicas e inspiradoras em todos os meios. Em 2015, concebeu o cartaz da campanha I-301 para descriminalizar os cogumelos em Denver. Foi finalista no Salão ARC de 2019.




I find great inspiration in the human form believing each gesture and pose tells a beautiful story. But humans are more than just their form. We are deeply complex, a lot of what we go through is intangible and I wanted to find how I could begin showing this on canvas. I started applying abstract techniques and began to weave the two practices together to find new ways of depicting the human experience. Abstract art is a great form of expression that helps depict, well, the abstract. When beginning a painting I start loose, creating chaotic strokes, splatters, and bleeds on the canvas. I then become more constructed as I form my subjects into their surroundings, developing and often combining them within the chaotic abstract scape.


Eu encontro grande inspiração na forma humana acreditando que cada gesto e pose conta uma bela história. Mas humanos são mais do que apenas sua forma. Somos profundamente complexos, muito do que passamos é intangível e eu queria descobrir como poderia começar a mostrar isso na tela. Comecei a aplicar técnicas abstratas e comecei a tecer as duas práticas para encontrar novas maneiras de descrever a experiência humana. A arte abstrata é uma ótima forma de expressão que ajuda a retratar, bem, o abstrato. Ao começar uma pintura, começo solto, criando traços caóticos, respingos e sangramentos na tela. Eu então me torno mais construído à medida que formo meus sujeitos em seus arredores, desenvolvendo-os e muitas vezes combinando-os dentro do cenário abstrato caótico.




Do Write to Me, Uncool Artists, São Paulo
Intertwined, Brazilian Art at the Consulate, New York, NY

Do Write to Me, Uncool Aritsts, Miami, FL

14th Annual ARC Salon, Finalist
Louisville 33rd National Fine Art Show, Louisville, CO
Hudson Valley 82nd National Fine Art Show, Lyme, CT
Viewpoint 51 National Juried Art Competition, Cincinnati, OH

Developing Phases, Solo Show at Artwork Network Gallery, Denver, CO
Lincoln Gallery Fine Art Show, Loveland, CO
Viewpoint 50 National Juried Art Competition, Cincinnati, OH

Capturing the Beauty of Open Land, Castle Rock, CO
Louisville 32nd National Fine Art Show, Louisville, CO

Louisville 31st National Fine Art Show, Louisville, CO
Alienation, the World As It Should Be, The Loading Dock, Lowell, MA
Where are the Warhols?, uBe fine at gallery, Berkeley, CA
Artist for Artists Project, McWilliams Francisco, Simsbury, CT
Lincoln Gallery Regional Fine Art Show, Loveland, CO