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kristine musademba, a former competitive figure skater born in the vibrant heart of washington, d.c., has seamlessly transitioned from the world of precision and grace on the ice to the boundless realm of abstract art. her dedicated path in abstract art began in 2021, and is a testament to the transformative power of passion and the constant pursuit of following one’s true callings.

born with a natural inclination for artistic expression, kristine’s early years were spent performing on the ice, capturing the essence of movement and beauty in the delicate art of figure skating. her disciplined years in the competitive arena laid the foundation for an aesthetic that would later find its voice in the world of abstract art.

after spending 9 years in new york city, kristine relocated to fort greene, brooklyn, which marked a turning point in kristine’s artistic journey. surrounded by the borough’s vibrant community and diverse artistic influences, she embarked on a new chapter—immersing herself in the world of abstract expressionism.

her abstract canvases contain odes to universal energetic forms and sacred geometric shapes, seeking to convey the ineffable experiences of love, consciousness, and a spiritual experience, inviting the unique interpretations and impacts of and on the viewer. her art seeks to transcend traditional boundaries and structures and create space for the human experience as it relates to evolution – being, becoming, and loving expansion.

holding connection and love as essential values, kristine has and seeks to actively engage with local and global communities in new york and beyond.

with each brushstroke and pen stroke, kristine continues to celebrate the transformative power of love and the acquisition of truth in her art. her journey from the ice rink to the canvas is a testament to the boundless possibilities that unfold when passion and artistic expression collide.

kristine holds a b.a. in philosophy from columbia university. her other passions include environmental equity and positive social impact through clean and renewable energy, yoga, meditation and dance.



Country of residence

United States (US)